Installation on android smartphone phone

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How to install get axcora cms web app to android smartphone device

For this blog we just share how to install this web app cms on your android smartphone. For first you need download this cms from your android smartphone , download here →

then you need to install web server from google play store, select web server , and you need to configure get axcora cms download folder then selected, now you need to run apache web server terminal. and visit on port where apache live.


Viola... your web app is installed on your android smartphone device, now you just need login with visit /admin then login with username axcora, password getaxcoracms.

after login you need to change password on setting menu, change password and save it.

congratulations now your web app is ready for use. 

Play video for tutorial installation.

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New generation get simple Axcora CMS Open source code content management system present by axcora technology.
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