Welcome to Get Axcora CMS

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Get Axcora CMS

Get Axcora CMS

A new version of get Simple CMS with Axcora technology to build blazing fast modern websites. Axcora uses the flat file CMS method, so it doesn't require a database. Which means Axcora sites are extremely fast, very secure and require very little resources. Axcora includes built in SEO that focuses on your contents main keyword, just write an article and post it, and Axcora cms will automatically generate an SEO title and description.

new cms website

A Lightweight

Slim and very lite content management system web apps

new website cms

Blast Fast

No need a database make super fast and rocket !!

cms cmf web

Flat File

Just a flat file modern CMS for build your modern website


Download open source project on sourceforge and github you can download it or fork it

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How Install Get Axcora CMS

For first you need to download open source code get axcora cms. and then you can upload and work with this cms on localhost or on clouds host.


For localhost you need third party application like XAMPP, download XAMPP and run apache web server, then extract get axcora CMS on your project folder name it with getaxcoracms folder in to htdocs folder, after extract and copy all files now you can visit localhost/getaxcoracms, and congratulation now you can using this cms web app.


Open your cpanel or your cloud panel visit or open public_html , create new folder name it with your website if you wanna install on sub directory ,or just upload getaxcoracms.zip file in to your public_html if you need install it on your home page. after upload .zip file now you can extract all files, and just thats it... your modern website is online now !!

web design
cms website terbaru

Get Started Now !!

Let's Create a new modern website using our new generation of flat file content management system. Just write your content and our SEO features will take your focus keyword and automatically generate SEO titles and descriptions. Read our documentation to learn more about Axcora then simply upload Axcora cms files to your hosting account to instantly login and begin building your new, modern website, whatever your skill lever.

Get Start Now →

pembuatan website terbaru

For Developer

Freedom for developer with using get axcora cms, like a framework CMF you can customise function and design fir build a web app project, get axcora cms make easy for touch your dream.

For End User

Select themes and just upload it on your hosting , start build your new modern website using get axcora content management system for create article post and more.

new modern cms website
The Axcora Technology

New generation get simple Axcora CMS Open source code content management system present by axcora technology.
No need databased make blast fast for your website, simple system and easy to learn , and of course SEO google include for optimise your site, You can download this cms for free, or you can order we services for installation including design page , domain and host for your new modern website.Go Online with us →

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Axcora technology - https://axcora.com
For project just call us : +6287819355589 / WhatsApp : +62895339403223