free download laravel source code cms

Lablog - The Artisan Blog CMS

A New and modern content management system and blogging platform , blast fast for build modern website using laravel lablog cms.

Lablog - The Artisan Blog CMS

Make your website super blast and fast with and powerfull with laravel, no need configuration mysql databased so on this content management system source code project free download very simple to install and uploading on your cloud host, just download it, then you need to configure sqlite database and your site is live now. with sqlite db so your webapp 85% super fast. get started now with lablog a modern cms build with laravel.

git clone
Command Prompt
C:\Users\laravel\lablog>sqlite config
C:\Users\laravel>git clone
C:\Users\laravel>cd lablog
C:\Users\laravel\lablog>composer update
C:\Users\laravel\lablog>php artisan key:generate
C:\Users\laravel\lablog>php artisan serve
C:\Users\laravel\lablog>mysqli config
C:\Users\laravel>git clone
C:\Users\laravel>cd lablog
C:\Users\laravel\lablog>composer update
C:\Users\laravel\lablog>php artisan migrate
C:\Users\laravel\lablog>php artisan db:seed
C:\Users\laravel\lablog>php artisan key:generate
C:\Users\laravel\lablog>php artisan serve


Superior Powerfull and very stable with using laravel as framework, including backend admin make easy to build your modern web app.


Super fast because we not use an mysql database, sp with sqlite make your site very slim lightweight and absolutley blast and fast.


Yeah.. this is a source code free download, so you can download it with not need cost, and absolutley you can change code with you needed.


Download this source code on github repo Download

Extract download folder on your project folder , then you need to download third party apps, so you can download and install it on your devices.

  • Node Download →
    After download node you can install then check a node version you have download it with open shell terminal or command prompt and run node -v then we need to check npm version too you can run npm -v, if shell terminal displaying your all version node and npm congratulations now you have successfully download and installing node on your devices.
  • Composer Download →
    Then we need to download composer so you can download composer and run instalaltion for run composer on our devices, after installation success , you can check composer version with open shell terminal or command prompt then run composer -v if bash terminal displaying composer version ,now you have success to installing composer.
  • Install Laravel →
    Now we need to installing laravel globaly so you can open shell terminal command prompt , and we use composer for installing laravel globaly on devices. just run composer global require laravel/installer
  • Install Lablog →
    Allright now we can install this laravel cms blog , so you can create new folder project, and you can use shell terminal for clone repo,or if you have download source code files now you can extract all files on your project folder, now we can install using shell terminal command prompt, then locate on your project folder, for example you have create folder on desktop so run this code on terminal cd C:\Users\yourpcname\Desktop\Lablog you can change yourpcname with your pc name
  • WITH SQL LITE (RECOMENDED for fast website)
    Now we need to configure local database so open folder project and edit .env files, now you need to confirgure DB_DATABASE='C:/Users/Pcname/Desktop/Lablog/database/database.sqlite' change pcname with your pc name and save it, visit your database folder and you can see file just extract this file so you can see new database.sqlite files . then we need to installing this project so run this.
    • composer update → for installing lablog laravel blog cms on your devices.
    • php artisan key:generate → for security key your laravel web app
    • php artisan serve → for open your web app and visit localhost:8000 on web browser
    If you need using mysql databases so you need to to download XAMPP web server first- install and run apache + mysql then create new mysql database name it with lablog , you can download here →
    change database configuration on .env file so you can delete this code

    Then Change with this code

    You can change user and password with your user account phpmyadmin then save it. don't forget to change pcname with your pc name.
    • Start and Run XAMPP web server apache + mysql
    • Create new mysql databases , visit on localhost:phpmyadmin then create new mysql db name it with lablog
    • composer update → for installing lablog laravel blog cms on your devices.
    • php artisan key:generate → for security key your laravel web app
    • php artisan migrate → for database migration to mysql db
    • php artisan db:seed → for insert database to mysql db
    • php artisan serve → for open your web app and visit localhost:8000 on web browser
  • Congratulations now you have success installing lablog on your devices. so what next ?? let's get started work with lablog with read documentation

Next Step you need to follow....

Documentation →
free download laravel source code cms
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Build with lablog by laravel present by axcora develope creativebydre