Get Started

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Get Started work with get axcora cms

About CMS

Blast fast modern website no need database configuration an alternatif for create and make modern website with new generator static site.


Download get axcora cms and just upload sourcecode file on your shared cloud hosting.

First Use

new modern website cms

After installation finish now you can accssess your website, visit /admin on your website then login using default data use username : axcora / password : axcoracms. and congratulations now you can accsess backend cms , and you need to change your password and title for Google SEO on setting fiturs.

Configure Website

new cms with super SEO

Then you need to configure a website with Click on settings and then change Title for SEO, chnage URL website Link with your domain website , and change display name - email and password too... then save it for update website setting.

Upload File Media

new cms with super SEO

For fast and easy for write a content post article you need upload all your media file like image and more , just click on file menu then you can create new folder with your own, and upload file in bottom menu . browse , select file and upload it.

Write Article Page and Post it

new cms with super SEO

After settings and upload all file is finish, now you can write a content and post for update or create new page on your website, just click on page menu then click new post and write your content. don't wory about SEO google features, because get axcora cms is automaticly generate your page title and description too.. all facebook or twitter tag is ready on use too. just focusing on your content then publish it. welcome to new CMS generation with using get axcora cms.

new cms with super SEO

And you can use text editor for design your page, you can use text font style, format, size, and upload and image , create an list or other just click on text editor and use with you needed for design your website page.

Editing Home Page

new cms with super SEO

By default the home page on welcome get axcora cms page, you can edited , just click on page and then edit title an content with you needed, you can upload image or link on your another page with click on text editor then select what you need.

Change User Name

Because security reason we have user name with axcora, so if you need to change usernmae, you can open on data\users\axcora.xml then you need to edit axcora.xml files with code editor, and you can see the code like this

< USR >axcora< /USR >
you need change axcora with your username for example like this
< USR >myuser< /USR >

Then you can save code editor, and logout from backend admin and try login again with your new user name.

Change Template Themes

So if you boored with a display themes so you can change themes to.. but for first you need download template , then you can open download source code files and extract it. now you need to visit on your web project and open theme folder on this area you see axcora , right click then name it with axcora1 or old themes or you can name it with other name. next you can copy themes\axcora folder from source code template, and paste it on your web folder project on template folder. remember the themes structure is not same, so you need to setting again on your page display, and save it. Congratulations now you have change an display themes template

Download Free Themes Download Premium Themes

Displaying and Embed Youtube Video

If you need to displaying and embed the video so you can do with easy, for first you can open page and write a content article then you can click source on text area for embed youtube video, for example you need to displaying an same video with youtube url like this : you just need to copy the end of url. and you can paste on this code.

For bootstrap 4 framework you need to insert this embed code.

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src=""></iframe></div>

For new bootstrap framework you need to insert this ratio code.

<div class="ratio ratio-16x9"> <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src=""></iframe></div>

change url video with your video form youtube then save your post page , and now you have successfully for displaying video on your page.

Create Link on Page

Because this site is static , so for create connection to another page you can just simple using link on text editor, for example you need to create an list article page , so we need to manualy write text about page then block this text click link button on text area editor , and insert your page link in here.


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new modern cms website
The Axcora Technology

New generation get simple Axcora CMS Open source code content management system present by axcora technology.
No need databased make blast fast for your website, simple system and easy to learn , and of course SEO google include for optimise your site, You can download this cms for free, or you can order we services for installation including design page , domain and host for your new modern website.Go Online with us →

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